Outstanding Graduate Student Award Winners

MCB Outstanding Graduate Student Awards

Each spring, the MCB Department recognizes outstanding graduate students in three categories: Scholarship, Service, and Teaching. MCB selectees are nominated for the same award at the College of Science level. 
The award for Scholarship is presented to the graduate student with outstanding research publications, presentations at meetings, and scholarships awarded. The award for Service is presented to the graduate student who has demonstrated attention to broader impacts and involvement in activities outside of academic responsibilities that benefit the department, university and the larger community. The award for Teaching is presented to the graduate student with a commitment to teaching or mentoring that goes above and beyond what is required, positive evaluations or other feedback from students, willingness to help junior graduate students, etc.
Students must be nominated to be considered for the award, which is decided by the MCB awards committee. Please contact Rebekka Ayala for additional information.


Year Scholarship Service Teaching
2024 Not Awarded Not Awarded Mollie Wiegand
2023 Not Awarded Not Awarded Not Awarded
2022 Ben Atwell Aaron Byrd Angelica Escoto
2021 Aaron Byrd Erik Lehmkuhl Kathleen Lasick
2020 Julie Huynh Sara Carey Shane Thomas
2019 Alex Hamby Kathleen Lasick Erik Lehmkuhl
2018 Kotaro Fujimaki Nicolette Brown John Sebastian Martinez-Fuentes
2017 Not awarded Nichole Eshleman Teal Brechtel
2016 Ernesto Manzo Teal Brechtel Katie Southard
2015 Ryan Pace Ryan Pace Ryan Pace
2014 Dhruv Vig Tracey Beyer Not awarded
2013 Jeremy Worley Ivan Dimitrov Teresa Horm
2012 Danielle Buck Candace Myers Mike Wierzba
2010 Je-Hyun Yoon & Matt Callan Mark Thompson Athena Ganchorre
2009 Sylvestor Moses Andrew Paek Adriana Racolta
2008 Tom Harti Hope Jones Anthony Bryan
2007 Jay Konieczka Tom Hartl Chris Pagliarulo