Sun Woo Kim – MCB Outstanding Senior May 2024

Congratulations to Sun Woo Kim, MCB’s 2024 Outstanding Senior! The Outstanding Senior award is presented to a graduating MCB senior who has demonstrated excellence in MCB studies. Sun Woo Kim graduated with majors in MCB, Physiology and Medical Sciences and double minors in Biochemistry and Emergency Medical Services.  

Her reaction when she learned she was selected as the MCB Outstanding Senior was to seek out her mentor and PI, Dr. Katalin Gothard. “I was in my lab when I first learned about the award and I ran to Dr. Gothard , my research mentor and nominator, to tell her about the award! I felt extremely fortunate to receive this award because I know each of our class of 2024 are outstanding. I promised myself to take on a huge responsibility to give back to the MCB department because I got so much from MCB!” 




Sun’s most memorable experience in her time at MCB was her involvement in Biology Research Abroad: Vistas Open! (BRAVO!) through the Undergraduate Biology Research Program (UBRP) . Sun conducted her research abroad about early life adversities in Lyon, France with Dr. Ferrari. “I had always been interested in studying abroad, but the strict commitment and financial burden didn’t allow me to travel abroad. Through BRAVO!, I was able to not only travel abroad but also continue my research and explore how international research is conducted. I had a personal interest in the early life experience because I moved from South Korea during my adolescence. I always wondered how that influenced my neural connectivity. This inspired me to do more research in Dr. Gothard’s lab!” Learn more about UBRP here and the BRAVO! Program here

When we asked her who or what her biggest source of inspiration and support was, Sun said Dr. Gothard has been her biggest source of inspiration. “In our lab, we talk a lot. One of the most important topics that we talk about is the whys. We discuss what our result might mean in the real world or what it means to humans. Knowing what I’m working for always inspires me to continue my research. Further, the feeling that I may be discovering new knowledge about the world is very rewarding.” The question of why pushes Sun to study and inspires her to do research because she feels extremely intrigued when she doesn’t understand things fully. 

After graduation, Sun will be starting a MD/ PhD program! She was accepted into the University of Arizona College of Medicine Tucson through the Honors Early Assurance Program (HEAP) and she just learned she was accepted into the MD / PhD program, so she will be pursuing two more degrees! “I will be sticking around for another seven or eight years!” Sun exclaimed. 

I asked Sun how she plans on utilizing what she learned in her undergraduate studies at UArizona. “As a kid, I was the one kid that always raised their hand to ask questions about everything. I always had to know how everything works in detail. MCB answered a lot of my questions of the hows and whys that I had in my dual degree in Physiology and Medical Sciences.” Through MCB, she built a strong foundation in cellular biology, genetics, and developmental biology, that prepared her for her PD/ PhD program. “I will have a solid understanding of disease mechanisms and treatments even at a molecular level. I also learned how to analyze scientific research papers which will help me keep up with the most updated research. Further, the tight connections that I built with my MCB professors and staff will be invaluable for my future as I progress through medical school and beyond.” 

Sun didn't want to leave the conversation without expressing her thanks to all who support her; “Thank you so much to all the MCB staff and faculty who supported me during my undergraduate journey! Thank you to my research lab members, family, and friends for always being there even in the worst times! You all are the ones who should get the honor. Because I see this award as an award to encourage me to work hard, I will push myself even harder in the future!” 

We are happy you are staying at UArizona Sun and look forward to you taking a break from your MD / PhD program to stop by and say hi! 

More info about Sun can be found in this news story from the UArizona College of Science here.

Michele Vaughan
Publish Date: 
May 17, 2024