
Student Profile: Cancer, Auto Upholstery, and Grad School Prep--Mackenzie Roman's Roller Coaster Year

Feb 28, 2018

Curious to know what grad school is like?  Ask MCB senior Mackenzie Roman. Roman has been working in Dr. Ghassan Mouneimne’s Cellular and Molecular Medicine lab since August 2014.  Learning...

UBRP’s Busy Transition: Jennifer Cubeta Takes the Reins

Feb 28, 2018

“Life is exciting in UBRP,” declares new Director Jennifer Cubeta.  Wrapping up a successful annual conference and finalizing selections for the 2018 cohort, she has a lot to be excited about...

Student Profile: Stephen Yao’s Guide to Rocking Undergraduate Research

Jan 30, 2018

Stephen Yao is a fly guy.  A Drosophila melanogaster guy, to be exact.  Working in MCB Professor Daniela Zarnescu’s lab for nearly four years as an undergraduate, Yao has learned a lot...

Functional Genomics Core, Mission: Impossible Experiments

Jan 30, 2018

p>Since 1600, the search for a needle in a haystack has symbolized a quixotic waste of time—looking for something very small in a too-large space.  Technology has come a long way since the...
