What is the best major for pre-medical students?
Many times, students will ask, “What is the best major for pre-medical students?” Although there is no official “pre-med” major, there are degrees that include many pre-health courses as major requirements and MCB is definitely one of those!
In order to apply for any pre-health school, applicants need to make sure they have completed certain courses for the strongest candidacy. Maybe your goal is to be a medical doctor, or you would like to pursue Physician’s Assistant training? Are you interested in becoming a dentist or an optometrist? Is pharmacy or physical therapy school in your future? All of these paths are considered “pre-health” here at UArizona. You can learn more about which courses are needed for your pre-health path by meeting with your MCB advisor and by taking a look at this page: Find your path
Since you need to complete these courses already for your future goals, it’s always great to be able to complete a degree requirement as well! The MCB major includes many of these courses as required requirements and will provide a solid foundation of knowledge and skills for any pre-health future. Also, your MCB advisor can help you plan any additional courses needed that are not included in the major so you are able to graduate ready for your next step.
Schedule an appointment with an MCB advisor to discuss your future health-related goals:
UArizona also offers pre-health advising! These advisors offer additional support and advice for any pre-health student. You can schedule with those advisors here: Use our online scheduler.