Students will select one of three sub-plans to tailor their degree (see above).
Each sub-plan has different degree requirements -- please select the appropriate major check sheet above for a detailed list of requirement for each sub plan.

MCB Undergraduate Program
University of Arizona Molecular and Cellular Biology students learn cutting edge biology through innovative teaching methods and hands-on research experiences. The MCB degree provides students the strong foundation in genetics, development, and biotechnology they need to pursue careers in medicine and other health care fields, pharmaceutical and biology research, and education.
We aim for students to develop a deep understanding of current ideas and problems in molecular and cellular biology. At the same time, we help to build foundational skills in logic, reasoning, self-expression and communication--skills relevant to any career. Throughout our coursework, the MCB Department emphasizes active learning and problem-solving skills, encourages interdisciplinary pursuits, and is committed to providing hands-on and intellectually challenging experiences in research labs. Our goal is to prepare students for creative futures in the pursuit of scientific discovery, science education, health, or as knowledgeable representatives of science in society.
Degree Requirements
For students who started in Fall 2018 or later, the Bachelor of Science program in Molecular and Cellular Biology offers a comprehensive course of study across a wide span of scientific inquiry. The 35-unit major includes core courses in Introductory Biology (MCB 181R/L & ECOL 182R/L), Molecular Basis of Life (MCB 301), Molecular Genetics (MCB 304), Cell & Developmental Biology (MCB 305), and Metabolic Biochemistry (BIOC 385).
Beyond these required courses, students select a minimum of 12 upper division MCB elective units. These elective courses allow students to explore course work in related fields, including microbiology, evolutionary biology, biochemistry, physiology, and plant sciences. Courses taken as part of these 12 units must also address laboratory, writing-emphasis, and in-depth study (Core Elective) requirements set forth by the department. Independent laboratory research is a strongly encouraged supplement to MCB undergraduate studies.
The Accelerated Master's Program (AMP) in MCB allows UA undergraduate students to earn both a Bachelor of Science degree and a Master of Science degree in MCB in a total of 5 years.
2022-2023 Catalog Year:
Genetics & Human Health Sub-Plan
- Genetics and Human Health Checksheet 22-23
- Genetics and Human Health Sample 4 Year Plan 22-23
Education & Communication Sub-Plan
- Education and Communication Checksheet 22-23
- Education and Communication Sample 4 Year Plan 22-23
Systems & Big Data Biology Sub-Plan
- Systems and Big Data Biology Checksheet 22-23
- Systems and Big Data Sample 4 Year Plan 22-23
Molecular and Cellular Biology Sub-Plan
- Molecular and Cellular Biology Checksheet 22-23
- Molecular and Cellular Biology Sample 4 Year Plan 22-23
2021-2022 Catalog Year:
Genetics & Human Health Sub-Plan
- Genetics and Human Health Checksheet 21-22
- Genetics and Human Health Sample 4 Plan 21-22
Education & Communication Sub-Plan
- Education and Communication Checksheet 21-22
- Education and Communications Sample 4 year Plan 21-22
Systems & Big Data Biology Sub-Plan
- Systems and Big Data Biology Checksheet 21-22
- Systems and Big Data Sample 4 year Plan 21-22
MCB Sub-Plan
- Molecular and Cellular Biology Checksheet 21-22
- MCB Sample 4 year Plan 21-22
Fall 2021 MCB Upper Division Electives Guide
2020-2021 Catalog Year:
Education and Communication Checksheet 20-21
Systems and Big Data Biology Checksheet 20-21
Molecular and Cellular Biology Checksheet 20-21