Certificate in Cell and Molecular Biology for Health Careers
Are you a non-MCB major who needs additional upper division biology courses for medical or other health schools?
Are you a non-degree seeking student returning to school to take additional courses?
Why not get an undergraduate Cell and Molecular Biology Certificate for that extra work!
This certificate brings together a set of courses in molecular and cell biology with options in biochemistry and genetics to help students who are preparing for health careers.
The certificate is available to both UA Online and University of Arizona main campus students.
12 units of upper division can earn you an undergraduate Certificate!
Required Core Courses: Both offered online in summer!
- MCB 410 Cell Biology (3 units)
- MCB 411 Molecular Biology (3 units)
Six Units of Electives:
- MCB 422: Problem Solving with Genetic Tools (4 unit)
- MCB 404: Bioethics (3 units)
- BIOC 384: Foundations in Biochemistry (3 units)
- BIOC 385: Metabolic Biochemistry (3 units)
- ECOL 320: Genetics (4 units)
- ECOL 326: Genomics (3 units)
- ECOL 409: Evolution of Infectious Disease (3 units)
- ECOL 437: Vertebrate Physiology (3 units)
- PSIO 380: Fundamentals of Physiology (4 units)
Want more information? Contact our CMFHC Certificate Advisor, Justin Schneider (jmschnei@arizona.edu)