BIOTECH Project Helping Students Experience Science at Home

Jan. 14, 2021

Electrophoresis Kits Being Prepared for At Home Science ExperimentsElectrophoresis Kits Being Prepared for At Home Science ExperimentsDr. Najda Anderson, director of the BIOTECH Project and her team are preparing hundreds of electrophoresis kits to give to local high school BIOTECH teachers. The teachers will distribute the kits to their high school students to conduct the electrophoresis experiments at home. Dr. Anderson has been working with High School biology teachers since the start of the pandemic to find innovate ways to learn science at home. “It’s a challenge for high school teachers to conduct science experiments over zoom so the BIOTECH project has been working on ways to enable high school teachers to get the hands-on science experiments in student homes so they can continue this valuable learning during the pandemic” said Dr. Anderson.

Dr. Anderson will be distributing the kits next week to High School BIOTECH teachers. 

Dr. Anderson distributed 1,352 kits this spring!

If you'd like to know more about The BIOTECH Project, contact Dr. Anderson at (520) 626-4664 or email her at