
Tricia Serio received the ASCB Mid-Career Award for Excellence in Research

Nov 12, 2016

Tricia Serio, professor and head of the MCB Department, has been selected for the mid-career award in research excellence from American Society for Cell Biology (ASCB), for her work on the dynamics...

Dr. Zarnescu received a research grant to study ALS from MDA

Sep 2, 2016

Daniela Zarnescu, MCB associate professor, was awarded a research grant from the Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA) totaling $300K over a period of three years to study metabolic dysregulation in...

MCB grad student Ernesto Manzo received HHMI Gilliam Fellowship

Sep 2, 2016

Ernesto Manzo, a 4th year MCB graduate student in Zarnescu lab, was awarded a prestigious Gilliam Fellowship for Advanced Study from the HHMI. Congratulations Ernesto!

What can poo do for you? MCB student Scott Daniel presented his research at the Arizona Grad Slam

Jul 22, 2016

MCB Ph.D. student Scott Daniel talked at the Arizona 3-Minute Grad Slam, a statewide competition for graduate students to present their research in 3 minutes. Scott's talk was entitled “What can poo...
