
Jessy Forelli talks about selecting a major

Jan 30, 2020

Jessy Forelli (2020) talks about selecting a major and how she came to triple major in MCB, Biochemisty and Spanish & Portuguese. Watch the video here:

MCB Students Share Why Extracurricular Activities are Important to Their College Success

Dec 17, 2019

MCB Student Spotlight is on Seniors Andrew Alamban and Pratyush Satheesh Ambadi                              ...

Research takes MCB Fall 2019 Outstanding Senior Cathryn Sephus from Telescope to Microscope.

Dec 12, 2019

I recently sat down with MCB's Fall 2019 Outstanding Senior Cathryn Sephus and learned about her college experience.  Why did you choose the University of Arizona? I switched high schools...

Amanda Ruelas - Fall 2019 Danny Brower Scholarship Winner

Dec 11, 2019

"I find it really interesting to learn about how cells work and how they make life." An interview with Amanda Rueles (MCB, Biochemistry Minor 2021), Fall 2019 Danny Brower Scholarship winner...
