MCB Joint Seminar: Justin Wilson "Dissecting Microbial-Immune-Epithelial Interactions During Mucosal Inflammation and Cancer"


11 a.m. – 12:15 p.m., April 1, 2025


Harvill, Room 204

Presenter Details

Justin Wilson, Assistant Professor, Dept of Immunobiology, UArizona

Wilson Lab

Seminar Information

The intestine and other mucosal sites are lined with epithelial cells that separate commensal and pathogenic microbes from underlying immune cells. These multi-cellular interactions are crucial to the development of proper immune responses, but when disrupted, can lead to chronic inflammatory states. Our group utilizes innate immune receptors, which link microbial sensing and inflammatory signaling, to better understand how these dynamic interactions result in productive immunity versus chronic inflammatory states and cancer.

Seminar Host

Joyce Schroeder, Professor, UArizona


Whitney DeGroot